The Group

About us

The Quantum Photonics Group as part of the Institute for Quantum Electronics studies quantum optical properties of condensed-matter nanostructures. While the main focus lies on experimental studies, several theory projects accompany and explain our findings in the lab, as well as explore new frontiers in mesoscopic quantum physics. Our membership of the FIRST-Lab allows for sophisticated sample preparation.

The group has a very international character and puts strong emphasis on a lively and open discussion culture. We have many international and local collaborations to complement and expand our research efforts. We are part of NCCR "QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology" which advances ETH internal and nation-wide cooperation and exchange of ideas, in particular at the annual winterschool and other meetings.

We acknowledge financial support from ETH Zürich, external pageSNF, NCCR QSIT and external pageERC Advanced Grant.

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