ETH Medal for outstanding doctoral theses for Livio Ciorciaro
ETH Medal for outstanding doctoral theses for Deepankur Thureja
Gustav-Hertz-award for Dr. Anna Seiler
Für ihre grundlegenden Beiträge zum Verständnis wechselwirkender elektronischer Phasen in Festkörpersystemen, insbesondere für ihre Beobachtung korrelierter Zustände in einem System aus zwei Graphenlagen ohne deren gegenseitige Verdrehung.
A simple state-of-the-art spectrometer for student labs: Cost-efficient, instructive, and widely applicable
We present a simple, cost-effective, yet instructive spectrometer for use in undergraduate instructional laboratory courses. Deliberate design choices are made to enhance the learning experience provided by the setup, where every component is accessible to students, allowing them to fully understand the function of each individual item.
New Kind of Magnetism Spotted in an Engineered Material
In an atomically thin stack of semiconductors, a mechanism unseen in any natural substance causes electrons’ spins to align.